
Tuesday 27 December 2011


Friends, Have U ever thought that What is Life? This sentence mostly strikes my mind that "what is life"????
thinking a lot of it I came to a conclusion that.............

Life is beauty, beauty is Life                              then why to waste it for strive!
Life is fun, fun is life
then why to think that we are standing on knife!

Life is Race, just run in it
Life is war, put gun in it

Life is struggle,
the thing is to solve it just like a puzzle
Life is a field of battle
the thing is to graze in it just like a cattle

So just live it coz :
Life is beauty, beauty is Life
Life is eternal, eternity is life
Finally life is everything, and everything is Life...:)
                                              -self composed

Monday 26 December 2011

A Piece of Paper-a poem

My Dear friends, I m really sorry if the rhyming scheme does not form..... actually these are jst my internal thoughts, which comes out in the form of poem......

See this piece of paper
enrolled in a wrapper
sometimes used for playing
And sometimes as playwriting

All the laws are written on it
All the news is written on it
All types of fun are done on it
All types of secrets are written on it

Sometimes it becomes a government report
Sometimes a police document
Sometimes it becomes a Rashan paper
and sometimes a Bill paper

Sometimes it is seen as a Newspaper
and sometimes as a Wallpaper
Sometimes it becomes a Flying Aeroplane
and sometimes a Question Paper Plane

Who knows that if today it is a Birth Certificate
Tomorrow it will be a Death Certificate
If  Today it is seen to be as a Marriage Paper
Tomorrow it might becomes a Divorce Paper

See the Power of this Paper
enrolled in a wrapper
people think it as a medium of Fun
but atually it is a thing which kept on Run.....
                                                                 -self composed